Dr. Noela Mogga discusses financial literacy for physicians and starting her entrepreneurial journey.

Dr. Noela Mogga discusses financial literacy for physicians and starting her entrepreneurial journey.

Noela Mogga

Dear Reader,

It is April 14, 2022. We are closing in the first quarter of 2022, and I am putting in motion my 2022 New Year’s Resolutions. I promised myself to tell my story. So here I come, having started a new website, to write my welcome post.

Like most of you, the pandemic of 2020 changed the world order and with it spurred growth in multiple dimensions. There was a lesson to be learned for all of us. I do not know what lessons it left you with, but for me it included living in the moment and thriving. This blog is a place to share my life lessons with some on my same path, and some younger than me, like my children, nieces, and nephews.

I have embarked on an entrepreneurial journey. It seeks to complement my path in medicine, and in so many ways veers to open other doors. As I continue to figure it out, learn and grow from others, I invite you in.

As soon as I started my medical career, having completed my residency in Anesthesiology in 2010, I began learning about business and finance. You see, this is one part of the puzzle that is missing from medical school education:- financial education. Upon completing residency, most doctors are immediately catapulted into a high net worth, without the were withal to manage. As  Dr. Dahl of the White Coat Investor states, you have two jobs as a physician. One, your primary profession, and two: managing your money. You can choose to do it passively, or actively. But make no doubt about it, you are managing that money. And should you fail to, there are countless actors who make it their job to separate you from your hard-earned cash.

My education took me through learning the basics of stock investing from the forums of Boglehead University, which I believe has the best free learning resources for high-net-worth individuals on the internet. From there I discovered the White Coat Investor, and the FIRE doctor websites, offering physician-specific financial advice, and I soaked all the information I could. I hang around MMM:- Mr. Money Mustache, and his musings of saving where one can, splurging where it counts, and DIY life hacks.

Life is the best teacher. I have paid my fair share of stupid doctor mistakes.

In 2019, I joined my husband in the business of RV motorhome rentals. Two years later we would release our custom-designed platform mangorv.com for RV rentals, where owners could find renters for their gigs in a culture of safe transactions on the internet.

Today I call myself the co-founder of a startup, MangoRV. However, the startup world may have the last laugh, because that journey is whipping me into shape more than I can count, with highs and lows and swings and you name it.

Follow me to learn more.
